Studio Sessions

Studio Sessions with Amie Roberts Photography include but are not limited to Birthday Sessions, Sitter Sessions and Baby Sessions (8 weeks and up).

To view my availability and book online, check out this link!

Birthday Sessions

Amie Roberts Photography would love to be a part of celebrating your child’s special day!

Let’s capture their interests, quirks and personality, making them the star of the show!

Fort McMurray photographer, Amie Roberts Photography, Fort McMurray kids photo shoot, birthday session, Lego photoshoot, 5th birthday,

I’ve been photographing this little man since he was a year old! It’s so fun to see his interests change over the years! To celebrate his 5th birthday, we did a Lego theme and his 4th birthday was Hot Wheels.

As always, your session is completely customized.

We can collaborate on creating a more classic and simple session with timeless images that will never go out of style.

Specific themes and ideas are just as fun and they make for such memorable images.

All props are included for your session while we can discuss items being brought from home. As the studio wardrobe continues to grow, outfits can be provided based on gender and size.

Fort McMurray photographer, DIY cake smash, 3rd birthday, Fort McMurray child

This DIY Cake Smash was the cutest thing! She loved decorating her cake with icing and sprinkles. Her dolly had to help smash her cake afterwards. It’s the personal touches that made this session so special!

Fort McMurray photographer, pizza smash, pizza photo shoot, Pizza 73, Fort McMurray birthday photoshoot, birthday photo session,

Does your child have a favourite food? This sweet guy loved Pizza 73 so we decided that a Pizza Smash would be amazing!

Sitter Sessions

Sitter Sessions often get overlooked but this stage in your baby’s life is just as important to capture as their newborn and first birthday.

These sessions are so fun since babies are smiley, not quite crawling and are sitting up unassisted.

Everything is provided for these sessions including outfits and props.

Baby Sessions

Baby Sessions and Not So Sitter Sessions are perfect for babies 8 weeks and older. Babies at this stage are usually making eye contact, just starting to smile and enjoy being on their backs and tummies. It’s a great alternative to newborn photos as well!

Capturing these baby “mugshots” are so cute!


Children’s Portrait Sessions are perfect if you missed out on school photos or wanting to have updated photos of your child(ren).

The studio is open Monday and Wednesday afternoons with the occasional Friday and weekends. Please fill out the form below to inquire!